Where the ancient words come alive
The End Time
The End Time

The End Time

“You will hear of wars and rumors of wars. Make sure that you are not alarmed, for this must happen, but the end is still to come. For nation will rise up in arms against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines and earthquakes in various places.” (Matthew 24:6-7)

The unfriendly banter between Trump and Kim made global headlines as North Korea threw its weight around by threatening to use its nuclear weapon against Guam. Even though we are nowhere near Guam, a good friend of ours gave his wife instructions on what to do in the case of a nuclear attack. “When you hear the public announcement on the radio, immediately go down to the basement and close all doors. There are food and water,” he continued, “and I will make sure to get into the nearest subway station.”

Most of us are more like Noah’s friends – Noah from the Bible, I mean. We are skeptics and carefree. We’d laugh at the Noah of our days while he fanatically builds his ark. If he is right, then we will perish. “You will probably laugh at all of us when you survive,” I said. His wife turned towards me and replied, “He is not going to laugh at you guys when he’s the ONLY survivor!”

As a Christian, I have found it hard to comprehend the second coming of Jesus Christ. No offense to the Lord of the Universe, but it really sounds very far-fetched. The idea of seeing a bearded man descend from the sky just seems like a scene from a movie.

According to the Bible, seven years before the return of Christ will be a period of tremendous suffering. There will be wars and rumors of wars, widespread famines, and earthquakes. Christians would face persecution and martyrdom, and there will be rampant lawlessness. And the gospel will reach every part of the earth.

I imagine those that read the same Scripture passage in the second century, twelfth century, or eighteenth-century would think they must be living in the end time as well. Famines, earthquakes, wars, and persecution of Christians have all taken place throughout history, leading these believers to think Jesus must be coming back any day. With the little advancement of technology, the world they knew probably was just within a few mile radii. There was probably not a time in history when Christians felt completely at ease, and that they had no worries of the end. What makes the current time any different from the days of old when there was even greater suffering? How do we know for sure we are near the end for real?

I might sound cynical, but I am not. I believe in end times wholeheartedly. As no living creatures can live forever; every beginning must have an end. This earth will not carry on indefinitely, especially with the ways humans have treated the planet.

The first recorded history was found to be from six thousand years ago. In God’s eyes, a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day (2 Peter 3:8). Therefore it has only been two days since Jesus’ first coming! I have a feeling He’s not in any hurry to come back though…not when there are still souls that have not been touched by the gospel.

Nowadays lots of people have food stored in their basements. It’s not because they are getting ready for an apocalypse – it’s mainly due to excessive shopping from sales in BJ’s and Costco.  Inadvertently, many families are ready if there shall be a nuclear strike. I can name a few houses that have ample food stocked up in the basement. I will publish the list when it’s time.

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